Current Port Announcements
The table below shows all announcements for ports in SafeSeaNet Norway, set by the administrator of each respective port.

Anløp meldes til Monstad Industrikai eller Monstad kommunal kai. Please send Quay Request to Monstad Industrikai or Monstad kommunal kai.

Dersom fartøy er på høyere maritimt sikringsnivå enn havn, skal havneanlegget varsles før adkomst. *** If the vessel is at a higher maritime security level than the port, the port facility must be notified before arrival. *** Velkommen til Coast Center Base AS, Ågotnes Vi er tilgjengelig 24/7 og kan kontaktes via kunde- og operasjonssenter på dagtid (08-16) per tlf. 56 32 30 30, for spørsmål og avklaringer. Utenom arbeidstid, kan vår havnevakt kontaktes på mob. tlf. 97 69 40 33, eller Portvakt på tlf. 56 32 30 99. Vi er også tilgjengelig på VHF kanal 10. Vi ber om at alle fartøy huker av for «Quay request» ved opprettelsen av anløpsmelding i CCB. Her kan «Coast Center Base» velges som «kai». Tildeling av konkret kai skjer via e-post eller tlf. til kunde- og operasjonssenter. For øvrig informasjon vises det til under Havnereglement. Kontaktinformasjon/contact information: +47 56 32 30 30 Kunde- og operasjonssenter / Customer and operations center +47 97 69 40 33 Havnevakt / Port security officer +47 56 32 30 99 Portvakten / Main security gate +47 56 32 32 00 CCB Nødnummer / emergency number VHF kanal 10 /VHF channel 10 *** Welcome to Coast Center Base AS, Ågotnes We are available 24/7 and can be contacted through the customer and operations center during opening hours (08-16) by tel. +47 56 32 30 30, for questions and clarifications. Outside working hours, our port management can be contacted on mob. tel. +47 97 69 40 33, or Main security gate on tel. +47 56 32 30 99. We are also available on VHF channel 10. We ask that all vessels check the box for "Quay request" when creating a voyage to CCB. Here "Coast Center Base" can be selected as "quay". Allocation of specific quay through e-mail or telephone to the customer and operations center. For other information regarding port regulations, see

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

For information regarding services at Port of Bergen Please contact Operations / Port Authority at +47 55 56 89 50 (#1) or by mail All vessel are to report before arrival and departure @ Port Authority/Bergen Port Control on VHF ch.12 (24/7) For other information please visit The Port of Bergen have a Code of Conduct for merchant mariners to follow. Ask for it, If it`s not sendt to you upon arrival. NB! All wastebags must be transparent- this applies to all types of waste. The use of colored waste bags is prohibited, and will lead to a deviation fee.


DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

To use quay G send request to: Botnaneset - Botnastranda kai G To use Florø hamn KF quay in Gunhildvågen send request to: Gunhildvågen - Gunhildvågen hameanlegg Florø hamn KF

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

For ship call to Melsomvik grain silo please use Sandefjord port (NOTRF) and select the quay Melsomvik kornsilo.

ISPS-INFORMATION SECURITY MEASURES at SECURITY LEVEL ONE By berthing at this port, SSO agree to the following (applies to ships with ISSC): 1. INTRODUCTION Mjølstadneset hamneanlegg is an IMO registered”Port Facility”. Security measures as specified in the ISPS code, EU regulation and the Norwegian “Sikringsforskrift” are established. The purpose of this information is to describe the security arrangements which are in place at SECURITY LEVEL ONE. If a higher security level is implemented the ships in port or scheduled to arrive will receive additional information and will be requested to sign a Declaration of Security. 2. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION PRIOR TO ARRIVAL Ships scheduled to berth at Mjølstadneset hamneanlegg are required to submit a Pre-arrival report including ISPS-information (ISSC and security level) and a Crew list not later than 24 hours prior to arrival. This should be done through SafeSeaNet Norway. In case a need arise to discuss security matters related to this letter or other issues, the SSO should establish contact with the PFSO or person representing PFSO. PFSO contact telephone +47 99210001 SSO will be informed of security incidents which may have some impact on the ships security or any malfunctions related to the security measures through Declaration of Security (DoS). PFSO will require that the DoS is signed by SSO. 3. ACCESS CONTROL Personnel permitted access to the terminal must at all time wear an access permit visibly. Crew can wear the ships ID or a visitor’s pass issued by Mjølstadneset hamneanlegg. Personnel from Mjølstadneset hamneanlegg will normally be present and conduct access control. Search of visitors will only be carried out when suspicious circumstances occur. At night time when loading/unloading is not taking place the ship (SSO) may take responsibilities for access control. In this case SSO will get a key to the gate. Search of visitors to the ship should at all times be carried out by SSO in accordance with the ships securityplan. 4. DELIVERY OF SHIP’S STORES PFSO will ensure that stores are kept away from the ship until clearance for loading is submitted by the SSO. The SSO will assume responsibilities for control and search of stores as necessary. In order to avoid delays, an advanced notification as to composition of load, driver and vehicle ID for each delivery is preferred.


For Anchoring at Sandviksflaket please contact Bergen Port Authority / Port operations at +47 55 56 89 50 (#1)

DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

Ekstrand Quay is a NON approved ISPS port facilities.

INFORMATION TO SHIPS SECURITY MEASSURES at SECURITY LEVEL ONE 1. INTRODUCTION Svolvær Øst/ Vest/ Industrikai Øst is an IMO registered”Port Facility”. Security measures as specified in the ISPS code, EU regulation and the Norwegian “Sikringsforskrift” are established. The purpose of this information is to describe the security arrangements which are in place at SECURITY LEVEL ONE. If a higher security level is implemented the ships in port or scheduled to arrive will receive additional information and will be requested to sign a Declaration of Security. 2. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION PRIOR TO ARRIVAL Ships scheduled to berth at Svolvær Øst/ Vest/ Industrikai Øst are required to submit a Pre-arrival report including ISPS-information (ISSC and security level) and a Crew list not later than 24 hours prior to arrival. In case a need arise to discuss security matter related to this letter or other issues, the SSO should establish contact with the PFSO or person representing PFSO. PFSO contact telephone: 760 67 990 Under normal circumstances Svolvær Øst/ Vest/ Industrikai Øst will not require that a Declaration of Security (DoS) is signed by SSO and PFSO. A DoS will be issued only when a security incident has occurred which may have some impact on the ships security or if there are malfunctions related to the normal security measures in the ISPS-terminal. 3. ACCESS CONTROL Personnel permitted access to the terminal must at all time wear an access permit visibly. Crew can wear the ships ID or a visitor’s pass issued by Svolvær port authority. Personnel from Svolvær port authority will normally be present and conduct access control, but access control can also be left to the ship (SSO) according to agreement about which period of time this will take place. In this case SSO will get a key to the gate if necessary. 4. DELIVERY OF SHIP’S STORES PFSO will ensure that stores are kept away from the ship until clearance for loading is submitted by the SSO. The SSO will assume responsibilities for control and search of stores as necessary. In order to avoid delays, an advanced notification as to composition of load, driver and vehicle ID for each delivery is preferred. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DUTY TO NOTIFY (WASTE) Masters (with the exeption of scheduled ships and leisure boats with less than 12 persons) must notify the port authorities if they have: - Waste for delivery, quantity and type - Permanent delivery port with approved renovator. Such notice must be issued: o At least 48 hours prior to arrival. This applies if the port of call is known. o As soon as the arrival time is known o No later than upon departure from the previous port if the duration of sailing has lasted less than 48 hours.

For å sikre informasjons flyten så bør man sende SMS, e-post og ringe til mobil nummeret som er registrert i systemet. Dette vil sikre at man får tak i PFSO på kort tid om det skulle oppstå kritiske hendelser. To ensure the flow of information, you should send SMS, e-mail and call the mobile number registered in the system. This will ensure that you get hold of PFSO in a short time should critical incidents occur. Vennlig hilsen Vadsø Havn KF