What's New
(current version is 2025.2.0.20458)
Version 2025.2.0 (05.03.2025)
Maintenance release
Version 2025.1.0 (05.02.2025)
Maintenance release
Version 2024.13.0 (08.01.2025)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration - Security: Removed functionality that erroneously allowed editing of arrival and departure details on voyages registered through SSN Norway
- ISPS: Fixed bug where port facility supervision group was not set correctly
Version 2024.12.0 (11.12.2024)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Made invoice options (permanent vs. current voyage only) available for Search as well as Related Companies
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Made the invoice options radio buttons stand out more visually
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Made the "current voyage only" invoice option the default option
Version 2024.11.3 (04.12.2024)
Maintenance release
Version 2024.11.2 (27.11.2024)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration - Pilotage: Added option to order multiple pilots
Version 2024.11.1 (20.11.2024)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration - PEC Exam: Corrected validation logic for restricting number of exams per exam set to one per pilotage
Version 2024.11.0 (13.11.2024)
- ShipReporting - Web and webservices: Updated entire Hazmat code set, and for IMDG codes we only use UN number to find a match (TextualReference is ignored)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Only one PEC exam per examinee is now allowed per pilotage distance.
- Police: Fix related to errors when selecting voyages in search view.
Version 2024.10.0 (16.10.2024)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Added support for Chinese Inmarsat phone number range, which previously caused validation errors
- ISPS: Fix for incorrect date interval being used when sending notifications about expiring port facility security area approvals
Version 2024.9.0 (18.09.2024)
- ISPS: Fix for outgoing notifications not being logged.
- Various minor bugfixes.
Version 2024.8.0 (21.08.2024)
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Various improvements surrounding bunkering and crew/pax pilot projects
- ShipReporting - Voyage Registration: Now allowing apostrophe in crew and passenger names
- Web services - Masterdata: Added new method GetFerryQuayLocations
- SSN Admin - Pagination added to verification request tables
- ISPS: Fixed bug where inactive ISPS users received e-mail notifications
Version 2024.6.0 (26.06.2024)
- Voyage Registration (web and web services): Ferry quays are now available as voyage locations for passenger ships.
Version 2024.5.0 (29.05.2024)
Version 2024.4.0 (02.05.2024)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Added functionality to register/order bunkering without excise duty. Pilot project available to select users.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Added functionality to set crew muster status. Pilot project available to select users.
- Web Services - SSNOss: Added quay request information
Version 2024.3.0 (03.04.2024)
- Web Services - SSNNorway: Added IsPersonsOnBoardReportingOnly flag to VoyageDetailsType
- Web Services - Various: Added Inmarsat C as separate element and contact medium type
Version 2024.2.0 (06.03.2024)
- Port Authority: Added waste management plan upload for port facilities.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Waste: Added port facility waste management plan download
Version 2024.1.0 (31.01.2024)
- Web services - SSNNorway: VoyageNotification no longer accepts old four digit waste codes. Requests containing these will be rejected.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Details: When registering passengers onboard only, no deliverable checkboxes should be automatically checked.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Details: Automatic checking of deliverable checkboxes now happens when less than 24 hours before ETA, not ETD.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Details: Quay requests are now mandatory for ships with a valid ISSC certificate, and these ships may not defer port facility and quay selection to the port administrator.
- Web services - SSNNorway, SSNHavn: Invoice company information was missing on quay requests where a company was chosen (via the web).
- Web services - SSNOss: Added filtering to remove voyages where only passengers onboard was registered.
Version 2023.12.1 (03.01.2024)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Crew: When importing crew list using the old 1.2 spreadsheet, some travel document fields were not imported correctly.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: When reporting passengers onboard passenger ships only, some checkboxes (crew/pax, security) would be automatically checked, which they should not be.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage List: When using simplified customs reporting, the customs icon in the voyage list would sometimes incorrectly be red.
- PEC Application: Under certain conditions, there was no download link for the PEC.
Version 2023.12.0 (13.12.2023)
Version 2023.11.2 (05.12.2023)
Version 2023.11.1 (30.11.2023)
Version 2023.11.0 (29.11.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Waste: The waste type code set has been replaced by a new one. It is no longer possible to use the old codes.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Waste: When entering the Waste step, any entries using the old codes will be either converted to a corresponding new code, or removed if there is no corresponding new code.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Pax: Added two new fields, "Special care or assistance" and "Emergency contact number".
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fishing vessels with a length of 45 meters and above are now required to report waste. Those under 45 meters are still exempt.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships according to legislation (FOR-1999-09-06-1047 §5 and §6.)
- Web services - SSNNorway - VoyageNotification: It is no longer possible to report waste using units of measurement other than M3.
- Web services - SSNOss: ActualDraughtSpecified and AirDraughtSpecified now reflect the actual values in their respective associated elements.
Version 2023.10.1 (02.11.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Waste Receipt: Fixed an error that prevented saving of waste receipts with manually added items.
Version 2023.10.0 (25.10.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Waste: It is no longer possible to report waste using units of measurement other than M3.
- Ship Reporting - Waste Receipt: It is no longer possible to register waste receipt items using units of measurement other than M3.
- Ship Reporting - Pax: Grouped fields in fieldsets to improve readability.
- Added Croatia to Schengen countries.
- Ship Reporting - Waste Receipt: Duplicate waste types are now allowed, as long as the description is different.
Version 2023.9.2 (11.10.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Removed "Notes" field in passenger information. Fields for passenger emergency information will be reintroduced in a later release.
Version 2023.9.1 (04.10.2023)
- Port Authority - Ports Meny: Fixed bug where one could not assign a port to a company.
Version 2023.9.0 (27.09.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Waste Receipt: Added waste receipt registration.
- Port Authority: Added waste management plan PDF upload.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Port waste management plan PDF(s) can be downloaded at the waste registration page.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Visa and Residence Permit Number are now registered in separate inputs for crew and pax.
- ISPS: When the PSA Approval Period expires for a Port Security Area, its status is automatically changed from "Approved" to "Security Plan Withdrawn".
- ISPS: The day after PSA Approval Period expires, an email notification is sent to the PSO and Company Details.
- ISPS: 7 days before PSA Approval Period expires, an email notification is sent to the PSO, Company Details, and ISPS Workers.
- ISPS: When a Port Facility has status "Security Plan Withdrawn", automatic status change will be driven by adding a valid PFSP, instead of entering a valid PFSA Approval Period.
- ISPS: Email templates for ISPS Approval Period notifications updated.
Version 2023.8.0 (30.08.2023)
- ShipReporting - Spreadsheet: Renamed column "Seafarer's ID (ILO 108/158)" to "Seafarer's ID".
- ISPS: Improved notification of Port Security Assessment expiry.
- ISPS: Renamed "Contact Details" box header to "Company Details".
- ISPS: Renamed "P(F)SA Approval Period Expiry Date" box headers to "P(F)SA Expiry Date"
- Webservices: Removed legacy SSNPoliti service.
- PEC Application: Fixed bug where one was always asked to re-upload documents.
- PEC Application: Fixed bug where it was possible to edit an approved application.
- ISPS: Fixed bug where it was impossible to delete Port Security Assessments, PSA Approval Periods and Port Security Plans.
- ISPS: Added option to choose "None" in the Caseworker field.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fixed erroneous message about missing passenger information in voyage confirmation mail.
- Ship Reporting - Waste: Fixed logic for auto-filling of Max Storage Capacity. Now based on whatever value was last used for the given ship and waste type.
- User registration: Fixed bug where it was not possible to register new Customs authority users due to a naming conflict.
Version 2023.6.0 (28.06.2023)
- ISPS / Port Authority: Minor changes to wording around Statement of Compliance / Port (Facility) Approval Period
- ISPS / Port Authority: Revision of reminder intervals for Port (Facility) Approval Period
- Common: Added Inmarsat C as separate contact medium type.
- Common: Re-enabled validation of Iridium, Inmarsat and Inmarsat C.
- Services: Added public API with methods to get information on current voyages and pilotages.
- Common: Updated validators to handle edge cases
Version 2023.5.0 (31.05.2023)
- ISPS / Port Authority: Added feature to register a port facility's compliance with regulation FOR-2003-08-29-1114 on safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Added stricter validation of Inmarsat and Iridium satellite phone numbers. As per this version, this will only apply to the web, and not the web services.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Covid reporting is no longer required, and has been disabled.
- ISPS / Port Authority: Removed limitation on selecting current port facility security level. Current security level may now be set independently of approved security level.
- Common: Fixed issue with empty contact values being persisted.
Version 2023.4.0 (27.04.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Export: Fixed bug where users that do not belong to a company could not export voyages.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fixed bug where updating a voyage where one or more waste items in the spreadsheet did not have waste item type set would cause an error.
- Ship Reporting - Map: Fixed issue where one could not select map layer.
- Isps - Fixed bug where one could not create a security group if it was not registered during initial port facility registration.
- SSN Customs Authority - Search: Removed 1000 voyage export limit. Now only limiting by date range.
- Common - Better handling of errors during file upload.
- Documentation - Server ssnmcs01, used to host the BarentsSRS and OSS services has been retired. Services have moved to srapi01, and the Services page has been changed to reflect this.
Version 2023.3.0 (23.03.2023)
Version 2023.2.2 (06.03.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fixed a bug which under certain circumstances broke quay request registration.
Version 2023.2.1 (02.03.2023)
Version 2023.2.0 (23.02.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Improved behavior when selecting port facility and quay.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fixed issue that prevented saving invoice receiver.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Passenger list is now sorted correctly when changing pages.
- Ship Reporting - VTS Clearence Request: Fixed dropdown selection bug.
- Various minor bugfixes.
Version 2023.1.1 (09.02.2023)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Hazmat code lists updated
Version 2023.1.0 (26.01.2023)
NB! New, simpler date-based versioning scheme established. Major version is now year, and minor is month.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Added option to register national identity number for crew and passengers.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: When registering crew and passenger identity numbers, registering the issuing countries of said numbers is now mandatory.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Now possible to order shore power on quay requests
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Now possible to set a default invoice address for a company/ship
- Admin: Added UI for administrators to edit page announcements
- General: In test environments the environment banner at the top of the page has been re-done slightly, and now also includes build number
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: No longer showing deactivated pilot boarding locations in map
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Quay request remark now correctly displayed in text box when editing an existing voyage
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Crew list is now sorted correctly when changing pages
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Resolved issue where the customs section was not visible on the confirmation page if the customs data were imported from a spreadsheet
- Port Authority / Ship Reporting: Removed incorrect warning about security level mismatch on quay request page
- Services: Now returning the correct service version number in the response header version element
Version 9.23.0 (08.12.2022)
- Port Authority / Ship Reporting: Added feature to set the port security level, and for a warning to displayed in the quay request view if the ships security level differs from the chosen port facility or quay
- Ship Reporting - Pilotage: Show warning if pilotage time is not set
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Ship height made mandatory for all voyages
- Services: Performance fix related to retrieving voyages
- BarentsSRS: Resolved performance issue that caused instability
- Ship Reporting - Waste: Fix excel import of faulty waste-types from crashing
- Ship Reporting - Waste: Remove misplaced warning for voyage being changed by another user
Version 9.22.1 (01.12.2022)
Maintenance release.
- Ship Reporting - Fix bug where it was not possible to cancel pilotages.
Version 9.22.0 (03.11.2022)
This is a maintenance release.
Version 9.21.0 (29.09.2022)
- SSN Admin - Web Service Users: Add feature for adding existing web client users as a web service users
- SSN Admin - Ship ISSC: Added new page for SSN Admin for removing Ship ISSC
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit - Crew Effects: Fixed a bug that in certain cases resulted in users getting an error message when deleting a Crew's Effects Declaration entry.
Version 9.20.0 (22.09.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration - Waste: You can now upload (only) waste information using the excel template
- E-mail voyage reminder: Fishing vessels will no longer receive warnings of missing cargo registration when voyage purpose type is discharging.
- SSN Customs Authority - Search: Export to Excel now includes voyage purpose.
- Internal: Updated support email addresses
- Internal: Improved phone number validation
- Internal: Misc improvements in BarentsSRS server
Bug fixes
- SSN Customs Authority - Search - Voyage - Crew Details/Passenger Details - Export to Excel: Excel files are now exported with "2007 and later workbook format" (.xlsx)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fixed a bug that resulted in certain users not beeing able to save or update a voyage if "Request specific port facility" was checked under Quay Request
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fixed a bug that resulted in users not being able to save a voyage if a new voyage was created from an excel spread sheet without having ETA registered in the spread sheet and Security - Last 10 Port Calls was registered.
- Internal - VOI: Added handling for cases where quay is not part of a port facility
Version 9.19.2 (07.09.2022)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fixed a bug that when having cancelled pilotage / PEC pilotage in certain cases resulted in the user being prevented from saving or updating the voyage.
Version 9.19.1 (05.09.2022)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Show all voyages (Change Time): Updated and fixed error text for user when trying to save a voyage that has been updated in the meantime.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fixed issue where changing arrival location updated Pilotage Status to 'Actual'.
Version 9.19.0 (01.09.2022)
Bug fixes
- Port Authority - Ports Menu: Quays can now be inside a Port Facility if the Port Facility does not have ISPS status Approved.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fix bug where multiple masters where selected in some cases.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Edit: Fixed bug that in few cases resulted in getting the error message Something bad happened when the navigation bar is clicked.
- Ship Reporting - Port Arrival Exemptions: Fixed bug that resulted in the error message "Something bad happened" if searching more than one time.
- Kystverket ISPS - Skip - Seilaser: Fixed bug where search result list wasn't cleared when the clear button was clicked.
- Maritime Authority - Voyages: Fixed bug where result list was not cleared when clicking the "clear" button.
- Maritime Authority - Voyages: Fixed bug where drop down lists in filters in certain cases got more than one entry of "-- All --".
- Maritime Authority - Voyages: Fixed bug in filters where filters where not clear when clicking the "Clear" button.
- Public information - Web Services: Fixed link to service documentation.
- Internals - Fixed possible memory leak
Version 9.18.0 (23.06.2022)
- Maritime Authority - Reporting Exemptions: It is now possible to assign a Reporting Exemption to a company when creating or editing a Reporting Exemption.
- Maritime Authority - Reporting Exemptions: A new column for Company is added to the Reporting Exemptions list.
- Kystverket ISPS - Skip - ISPS-unntak: A new column for Company is added to the ISPS Reporting Exemptions list.
- Kystverket ISPS - Skip - ISPS-unntak - ISPS Reporting Exemption: It is now possible to see which company a Reporting Exemption has been assigned to.
Version 9.17.0 (09.06.2022)
- SSN Customs Authority - Internal Users: Intelligence User column has been added to grant access to extended passenger access on voyages.
- SSN Customs Authority - Search: Customs Region has been renamed to Customs Area and area configuration is updated, now also including Svalbard.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Voyage Confirmation e-mail and Voyage Reminder e-mail now takes waste report exemptions into account.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Admin gets extended edit rights.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Added ship type and voyage link to vessel of interest email.
Bug fixes
- SSN Customs Authority - Search: Export to Excel timeout issue fixed.
- Port Authority - Voyages: PFSO can view Crew/Pax on voyages.
Version 9.16.0 (19.05.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: 'Declaration of crew change last 10 days' is removed and 'Declaration of COVID-19...' only required on inbound voyages.
- Maritime Authority - Reporting Exemptions: Now also supports "Waste" as a reporting exemption.
- Ship Reporting - Port Arrival Exemptions: Added new column for Waste Reporting Exemption.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: It is now mandatory to report waste if ETA < 24 hours if the ship does not have a valid Waste Reporting Exemption.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration (Waste): Added section for Waste Reporting Exemptions for ships with this exemption.
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Fixed bug that resulted in Military step being visible when updating voyage even if military was not reported.
- Ship Reporting - Port Arrival Exemptions: Fix issue where link to "view" and "edit" resulted in error if Report Exemptions were of type ISPS.
Version 9.15.0 (05.05.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Waste reporting is no longer required when the arrival location is of type anchorage.
- ShipReporting - Voyages: Military Report is no longer mandatory when registering voyages between Svalbard and Jan Mayen or between ports in these two locations.
- Ship Reporting - Annual Fee: Invoice due date is now always 30 days.
- Added ShipTypeSystemName to BarentsSrs interface.
- Vessel of Interest
Bug fixes
- Port Authority - Voyages: Show voyages with approved port requests.
- Removed Google Analytics.
- Handle create voyage from excel when file is incomplete.
Version 9.14.2 (28.04.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: "Entitled to simplified customs reporting" checkbox is now also enabled when ship is of Ship Type Passenger Ship
Version 9.14.1 (25.04.2022)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Show all voyages: Default search filter for Created/Updated By is now My Company.
- Ship Reporting - Create New Voyage (Excel): Handle that Excel may have invalid or no unique arrival or departure location.
Version 9.14.0 (21.04.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Customs is now selected in 'Reporting for this voyage' in Details.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Customs Cargo is no longer mandatory for domestic voyages.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Customs is no longer mandatory for fishing vessels and trawlers when departing or arriving in international waters.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: A warning is shown when no cargo has been chosen for discharge and voyage purpose is discharging.
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: "Entitled to simplified customs reporting" checkbox is now only enabled when ship is of Ship Type 'Passenger/Cruise' or 'Passenger/Ro-Ro Ship (Vehicles)'
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: The map can filter ports, anchorages, locations at sea, and offshore installations
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration (Update): Register Use of Pilot Exemption Certificate is default selected.
- Ship Reporting - Quay Request: Handle quay request for Quay or Port Facility
- Norwegian Armed Forces: Access to voyages including crew list. Crew list also added for web services.
- Excel files are now exported with "2007 and later workbook format" (.xlsx)
- Added exemption role for 2FA
- Ship Reporting - Voyages: Listing will now retain all input values on refresh or redirect.
- Port Authority - Voyages: Search result table will now remember the last used page number.
- Tax Authority - Voyages: Search result table will now remember the last used page number.
- Customs Authority - Search: Search result table will now remember the last used page number.
- SSN N reporting template - Ship Stores: Updated Name of Quantity column to Quantity(n,n). Updated note for column.
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting - Voyage Registration: Removed old links in Ship Stores to english version of regulations.
Version 9.13.0 (03.03.2022)
- Tax Authority - Voyages: Listing will now retain all input values on refresh or redirect
- Customs Authority - Search: Listing will now retain all input values on refresh or redirect
- Port Authority - Voyages: Listing will now retain all input values on refresh or redirect
- Maritime Authority - Voyages: People on board are no longer visible in voyage view
- Ship reporting - Customs: Added link to template for Crew's effects declaration. Also added in Documents in Public Pages
- SSN Admin: Added link to Web Service Users page
Bug fixes
- After login, redirect to requested page is now fixed
- My Pilotage Exemption: Fix overflow issue in Associated Fairways column in Mentors table
- 2-Factor Authentication: Still only for admin-users at first, fixed error when sending SMS
- My Company - Contact Information: Will no longer update company name by having old session data.
- A fix for RequestData link in error emails
Version 9.12.0 (17.02.2022)
- Ship reporting - Waste: The Waste Type list is now ordered by the ships most used waste types.
- Ship reporting - Waste: A default waste type will now be selected based on ships most used waste type and already added waste items.
- Ship reporting - Waste: Max Storage Capacity field and Unit field are now auto filled with the ships most used values for these fields based on what Waste Type is selected.
- ISPS: When a new B.4.15 exemption is saved an email is sent to the port of the relevant quay notifying about the granted exemption.
- ISPS: Added e-mail notification to Port Security Officers when significant changes are made to a Port Facility
- Fix some broken links that lead to more information about "Compulsory pilotage", "PEC exam" and "PEC requirements and conditions" pages at kystverket.no
- Public information: New and responsive design of the Port Announcements list. You can now collapse each port announcement by clicking the header
- 2-Factor Authentication, for admin-users at first.
- Log4Net component updated.
- Different security adjustments made.
Bug fixes
- Ship reporting - Quay request: When arrival port doesn't handle unspecified quay requests, the request specific port facility option is not available.
Version 9.11.0 (27.01.2022)
- Ship Reporting: Waste reporting is no longer required for shifting (berth) voyages
- Ship Reporting - Waste: Multiple entries cannot be of the same Waste Type and have identical description
- SSN Admin - Impersonate: Search for person by PEC certificate number
Bug fixes
- ISPS - Port Facilities: Only Port Facilities with status "Approved" will now be shown in list as default in "Port Facilites" page.
- ISPS - PFSO: Only PFSO with one or more active Port Facilites will now have status "Active" in "Port Facility Security Officers" page
- Rewritten Excel export to avoid exceptions being cast
Version 9.10.0 (13.01.2022)
- Ship Reporting - Quay Request: Agent or Shipowner can now request specific quay or port facility
- Ship Reporting - Port Arrival Exemptions: Registered ISPS Reporting (Security) exemptions is displayed.
- Port Authority, ISPS: Can now export voyage lists to Excel.
- ISPS: Updated PFSO and PSO list filters to properly show only active SO's when checked off in search.
- ISPS: Added description to Declaration report
- ISPS: Added filter Arrival Quay on search for voyages
- ISPS: Added filter PFSO and Case Worker on search for port facilities
- ISPS: Added Case Worker to list Verification Requests
- ISPS: Added "Last changed date" and "Last changed by user" to Security Group Assessment report
- ISPS: Updated the Port Facility list with more relevant columns.
Bug fixes
- ISPS: Map now show only approved port facilities
Version 9.9.0 (16.12.2021)
- Ship Reporting: SSN Admin role can edit voyages even after 24 hours after ETA, when pilotage is PEC
- Ship Reporting - PEC: Added one month grace period to PEC certificate "valid from"-date
- Ship Reporting - VTS Clearence Request: Text added; Please be aware that this is a request for permission to enter the VTS area
- Ship Reporting: National ID is now a valid form of identification for Crew/Pax, and added support for this in Excel template import/export
- ISPS: User must confirm leaving the page when changes is not saved
Version 9.8.1 (06.12.2021)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting: Error when user try to Cancel voyage is now fixed
- Ship Reporting: Change Time now allows user to change ETA and Actual on voyages where ATD was reported
Version 9.8.0 (02.12.2021)
- Ship Reporting: Users with SSN Admin role can now edit voyages even after 24 hours after ETA
- Annual Fee: Text field "Invoice Receiver Reference" added to invoice
- Ship Reporting - Hazmat: Added FISH SILAGE and FISH PROTEIN to IBC
Bug fixes
- Voyage search: Fixed search error for ISPS, Port Authority and Maritime Authority
Version 9.7.1 (11.11.2021)
Bug fixes
- Change Time: Error message appears above list rather than in dialog window
Version 9.7.0 (04.11.2021)
- Covid-19: Reworked the COVID declaration text.
- Quay request: Remark from agent and port authority is included in email confirmation for voyage- and quay request/response.
- Tax Authority: Added more information when exporting voyages to Excel.
Bug fixes
- Change Time: Improvements on dialog where time is updated.
- ISPS - Reports: ESA/Marsec report can now be generated for any year.
- ISPS - Ship Voyages: Action Icon Description now shows icons with the text.
- ISPS - Port Facility Supervision: fix bug for supervisions with inactive/unavailable supervisor already assigned. Can edit the supervision and set new supervisor. Also made small adjustments to the view of supervision details.
- Port Authority - Voyages: Now possible to search for specific from and/or to locations. Also, when Quay is specified only voyages with approved Quay request is listed.
- User deactivation: when user has role company administrator, the role is removed during deactivation.
Version 9.6.1 (21.10.2021)
Bug fixes
- Register User Account (Port Authority): Fix error when registering with new company where lookup in BrReg failed.
Version 9.6.0 (14.10.2021)
- Ship Cargo Pilot
- Maps: The choice you make regarding map background will now be stored for later preference
- Port Authority - Ports Menu: Added Shore Power to maps for port, port facility and quay
Bug fixes
- Military: Ignores military validation when this is not reported (Excel import)
Version 9.5.1 (30.09.2021)
Bug fixes
- New User Account: Fixed error when uploading company certificate for new foreign company.
- Services: Fixes an issue where page would render an error if wrong parameters were used.
Version 9.5.0 (16.09.2021)
- Maps: Added Shore Power to maps in Voyage ETA and Quay Request, presenting quay and power details
- Web services: Send email to authorities when Covid-19 or Crew change is reported
- Port Request: Mooring renamed to Line's men
- ISPS Port Facilities: Listing now offers map view of the facility
Bug fixes
- Military step: Now shows error message when a Sailing Plan has invalid or missing date element (Excel import)
- Web services: Fixed deliver police annotation when reporting contains only one of pax or crew
- My Company - Contact Information: New email address must be confirmed before its taken into use
- My Company - Contact Information: When Update is clicked and page gives validation errors, the changed values are not lost
Version 9.4.0 (19.08.2021)
- Military step: Unambiguous error message when a Sailing Plan should be selected from existing Sailing Plans
Bug fixes
- Maps: Fixed a bug where the search field would collapse before a port or port facility had been selected
- Ship reporting: Fixed a bug where voyages registered by a user which is no longer associated with a company, would not show in the search results
- Port Facility: Fixed a bug where searching for and viewing a port facility verification request caused an error
- New user registration: Fixed a bug where the generated navigation link was incorrect
- Web services: Fixed a validation error when not reporting pax/crew
Version 9.3.1 (12.07.2021)
- Voyage Registration, Confirm: Changed use of color blue to green for answering-boxes related to 'Declaration of Flu Infection or Corona/COVID-19 Related Symptoms' and 'Declaration of crew change last 10 days'.
Bug fixes
- Voyage Registration, Confirmation email: Now shows correct status of 'Declaration of crew change last 10 days'.
Version 9.3.0 (02.07.2021)
- Various cosmetic changes have been made to align SafeSeaNet Norway better with Kystverkets new graphical profile.
Bug fixes
- Last login date for users should now be updated correctly after login.
Version 9.2.1 (24.06.2021)
- Register User Account: 'Apply for PEC' is renamed to 'Navigator or Apply for PEC.'.
Bug fixes
- Register User Account: Error fixed when username already exist.
Version 9.2 (17.06.2021)
- Waste: Information text in the Waste section of Confirm Voyage is shown if waste is unchecked when it is mandatory to report Waste, same with the email for Voyage Confirmation.
- "Pre-notification of delivery of waste and cargo residues in port shall be given via SafeSeaNet Norway."
- Crew: Updated link to english version of Norwegian Immigration Regulations.
- Ship Reporting: SSN Admin can view voyage details of voyages exempt from public disclosure.
- Ship Reporting: SSN Admin can search for voyages without any timespan limits.
- Ship Reporting: Informs the user with a warning message if the voyage's ETD comes before the previous voyage's ATA.
- Pilotage: Now the checkbox "Military Command" is automatically checked and disabled from further changes if a ship is a military vessel.
Bug fixes
- Updating Reporting Exemption is now fixed.
- Pilotage: When updating pilots departing from Svalbard, the departure location will now be set.
- Voyage Edit: Fixed error when saving voyage fails and rollback caused corrupt voyage.
Version 9.1 (10.06.2021)
- Ship Reporting, Voyage registration: A new VTS area, Kinn VTS, is now available for selection in the VTS Clearance Request step.
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting, Voyages: Fixed a display bug sometimes causing crew, passenger, and cargo icons to show as red, even if reported correctly.
Version 9.0.1 (03.06.2021)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting, Voyage Registration: Fixed a bug causing errors when saving a voyage, when arrival location had been changed.
Version 9.0 (06.05.2021)
- Customs: New filter added; ship group and ship type, when searching for voyages.
- Port Arrival Notification Exemptions: Use application right when checking for access.
- User Logout: Prevent the possibility to access visited pages in SafeSeaNet from the current tab.
- Logging: Actions where Excel spreadsheet is used to create/update voyage is logged.
- Associated Company: User (Navigator) without associated company, but having any role that requires a company connection, can now opt to 'Continue without Company'.
- Associated Company: User that removes associated company also looses certain company roles.
Bug fixes
- Customs - Ship stores: When register voyage using SSNNorway service, allow only 0 values for ship stores items
- Ship Reporting: In Voyage Registration (New) the list of Voyages now show correct red/green icon for Crew/Pax to indicate reporting status.
Version 8.15.0 (15.04.2021)
- Register VTS Clearence Request as part of voyage.
Bug fixes
- Customs: List of Crew now has default sorting.
- PEC Invoice Receiver: Adding spinner and validation to prevent adding same item twice.
- Quay Request - Map: ISPS approved status for Quay is now showing Yes when Port Facility is approved, otherwise No.
Version 8.14.1 (09.03.2021)
Bug fixes
- Customs: User registration issues for customs is fixed now.
- Problem with login for Agent users without connection to company solved.
Version 8.14.0 (04.03.2021)
- The process for register new user is slightly changed, and CAPTCHA is introduced. To confirm your email/username is now the first step.
- The process for reset password is slightly changed, and CAPTCHA is introduced.
- Password must now be at least 16 characters long.
- My Profile: User can initially register date of birth and nationality (PEC), but this cannot be changed later. Please contact SSN Support for any assistance.
- ISPS: It can be registered if the supervision of the port facility was performed digitally.
Bug fixes
- Quay Request Edit: Map is now loading correctly.
- Voyage Edit: Some formalities automatically checked in the details tab was not displaying their corresponding tab when the voyage was edited within 24 hours before departure.
- Customs: View voyage now displays correctly when voyage status is Cancelled.
- ISPS: Port facility security group topics are now stored correctly.
- ISPS: Report due date now uses 23:59 as due time and not 00:00, so last day is now included.
- Fixing bug when registering new user and linking user to an existing company.
- PEC Pilotages: Do not display cancelled voyages.
Version 8.13.1 (22.02.2021)
Bug fixes
- Voyage Registration: Fixed bug in Security preventing some users to save their voyages.
Version 8.13.0 (28.01.2021)
- When viewing a voyage the user may now use a sharable link to this voyage.
- The receiver of the link will be able to view the voyage in the same page, if they have access to it.
- If they do not have sufficient acces, they will be redirected to another accesible viewing page for the voyage.
- My Profile:
- A dialog will now be displayed if the user is about to make changes to their profile, limiting their access to certain menu items and their respective pages.
- The text for the checkboxes has been adjusted.
- Publically available pages are now available from the login screen and from the top menu:
Link: https://shiprep.no/ShipRepWebUI/PublicInformation.aspx
- Voyage Registration:
- Voyage Details and Security: If both steps are active during registration, changes made to ISSC in either of them will affect the other step.
- Quay Request, Invoice Receiver: It is now possible to select a company as invoice receiver, without having to edit the address fields. The address fields are still available for the cases where a custom address must be used, f.ex. when a company cannot be found via search.
- Customs, Ship's Stores, Other Restricted Articles:
- Unit of measurement must now be selected for this type.
- Quantity can now be given as a decimal number.
- PEC Pilotage:
- The user may now enter text to search for valid PECs for the ship in, instead of using a dropdown list.
- The text box is configured with autocomplete, with a minimum length of 0, meaning that the user can click the field and select from the presented list as before. The user may also filter down the list by entering text.
- The list will display the five most used PECs, for the last six months, at the top. This is indicated with an icon on the right side.
- Security: Now always showing Ship-to-ship Activity. Moved checkbox into registration form so the user has to confirm each activity.
- The user may now see a simplified change history for the voyage after completing a registration or update, or viewing the voyage normally.
Bug fixes
- Voyage registration with Excel: Security step will now any existing errors in the Port Call History and Ship to Ship Activity sections, also before the users navigates to the step.
Version 8.12.0 (10.12.2020)
- Port Arrival Exemptions: VTS operators now have access to view all exemptions.
- My Profile
- Birthdate and nationality is required for users who has checked "I will use SafeSeaNet to apply for PEC" if not previously registered.
- Some users may have to reconfirm their profile at the next login.
- NCA ISPS: Port Facility owner type is included in search criteria and Excel export.
- Hazmat: When reporting Hazmat information the ship type is used to select default classification for the hazmat substance.
- Voyages exempt public disclosure is now accesible for users with specific access rights.
Bug fixes
- Port Authority: Search criteria for voyages now allow "All My Quays" and "All My Ports" in both arrival and departure filter.
- PEC Admin: The PEC application is now always accesible for the PEC owner.
- Quay Request: Invoice Receiver on Quay Request is no longer shared between voyages, changes made to IR is now isolated to the current voyage.
- User reactivation: Email sent to company admin about user reactivation now has more accurate content.
- SSN Admin: User support is now possible for users not connected to a company.
- NCA ISPS: New port facility could not be created due to duplicate quay names.
Version 8.11.0 (19.11.2020)
Bug fixes
- The reporting deliverables icons in 'Show all voyages' now indicate that Cargo reporting is required on outbound voyages.
Version 8.10.0 (29.10.2020)
- Various changes to internal tools.
Version 8.9.0 (15.10.2020)
- Crew and passenger data is now hidden if voyage arrival time is more than 48 hours in the past.
- A new background task will:
- anonymize passenger data 12 months after voyage arrival.
- delete both passenger and crew data 5 years after voyage arrival.
- Customs Authority: Reported Covid-19 status is displayed in voyage information.
Bug fixes
- Voyages with reported actual time of arrival can no longer be cancelled.
- Private voyages, or voyages with private pilotage orders, are now only visible to the company creating the voyage when showing previous voyages or when displaying warnings of voyage overlap.
- ISPS: Added descriptive validation error when port facility is moved to another port, and quay name conflicts arise.
- The open page for listing port facilities now display PFSO mobile phone number with fallback to telephone.
- Various minor fixes.
Version 8.8.0 (01.10.2020)
- ISPS Port Facilities: Open page listing all Port Facilities currently ISPS approved. Does not require login or user account in SSN Norway.
- Ship details: Segregated Ballast Tank tonnage is displayed when given for tankers.
- ISPS: Port Facility added to search filter and grid view.
- Confirmation: Previously reported Crew Change will now always be set.
- Customs Authority: Reactivation of user accounts must now be done by company administrator.
- Changed COVID-19 notification text: For all voyages in Norwegian waters the Master is required to notify the authorities if there is reason to believe there are any persons aboard the vessel with symptoms of flu or any other symptoms that can be related to COVID-19.
Bug fixes
- Crew Effects: Delete from grid by double clicking updates grid correctly.
- Security: Deleted CSO no longer appears in grid view.
Version 8.7.4 (20.08.2020)
Bug fixes
- Ship's Stores: Entering non-numeric values in Quantity field will now give an error message.
- Security: Fixed bug saving Port Facility detail on foreign port calls in list of last 10 port calls.
Version 8.7.3 (25.06.2020)
- Voyage registration: It is now required to report if there has been any crew change in the past 10 days, for all voyages including regular pilotages.
Version 8.7.2 (19.06.2020)
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug preventing autocomplete functions to work properly when using Internet Explorer browser.
Version 8.7.1 (17.06.2020)
Bug fixes
- Voyages list: Fixed bug where Crew Effects lists were removed when using Actual Time.
- Voyage registration, Security step: Fixed bug where manually added Port Calls could not be edited.
Version 8.7.0 (11.06.2020)
- Voyage Registration
- Customs reporting in SSN now holds separate checkboxes for the specific parts of the customs report.
- Report Cargo
- Report Ship's Stores
- Report Crew Effects
- Entitled to Simplified Customs Reporting (existing option)
- Border Control checkbox in Details step has been removed.
- Customs checkbox in Details step has been removed.
- Crew List checkbox has been added to Details step.
- Passenger List checkbox has been added to Details step.
- Red text, indicating mandatory reporting, will be applied to Crew List and Passenger List checkboxes if required as part of Border Control, Customs, or Security report.
- Crew Effects is now a separate step in the registration process, and no longer a part of Crew step.
- Voyage Confirmation
- The confirmation page now holds more explicit information about customs reporting.
- The voyage confirmation emails now include Crew Effects information, if reported. The information is limited to the name of the file attached.
- Voyage Listing (Notifications)
- If either Cargo, Ship's Stores, or Crew Effects reporting is missing for a voyage, the customs icon in the voyage listing will be red.
- If any of the mandatory reporting obligations are missing, the details will be visible in via the custom icon's tooltip, as well as in the confirmation page when viewing your reported voyages.
Bug fixes
- Port Authority
- Ports Menu: Quay services that has been unchecked is now removed on save.
- SSN Admin
- Impersonate User: Users that cannot be impersonated are removed from search.
Version 8.6.5 (18.03.2020)
- Voyage Confirmation: "Declaration of Flu Infection or Corona/COVID-19 Related Symptoms" now holds two options
- As Master, or on the Master’s behalf, I confirm that there are no persons aboard the vessel with symptoms of flu or any other symptoms that can be related to COVID-19.
- There are persons aboard the vessel with symptoms of flu or other symptoms that can be related to COVID-19 and I will immediately notify Vardø VTS on (+47) 78 98 98 98.
Version 8.6.4 (16.03.2020)
- Port Authority
- Port administrator can now add announcements for their administered ports.
- Voyage Registration
- Any announcements from the port administrator will be displayed upon selecting arrival location in the Voyage step.
Version 8.6.3 (13.03.2020)
- Voyage Registration
- For all voyages registered in SSNN, the master is required to notify the authorities of an outbreak, or suspected outbreak, of COVID-19 aboard the vessel. This is done in the last step (Confirmation) in the voyage registration.
Version 8.6.2 (27.02.2020)
Bug fixes
- Voyage Registation
- Voyage: Fixed bug where ATA/ATD checkbox was auto-checked for foreign locations.
- PEC: Fixed bug where cadet usage state was not shown for Pilotage Exemption Certificates with valid cadet and ordinary PEC classes.
Version 8.6.1 (17.02.2020)
Bug fixes
- Voyage Registation
- Voyage: Fixed bug where Previous Voyages list was not shown.
Version 8.6.0 (13.02.2020)
- General
- Added new terms and conditions, and privacy statement. These must be accepted for continued use of SafeSeaNet Norway.
- Voyage wizard
- Default actual time checkbox to checked when corresponding itinerary time (arrival or departure) is in the past.
- Barents SRS
- Pre-fill more form fields from AIS data.
- Add ship communication details to report view.
- Fix filtering bug for §11 and §12 search arguments.
- Misc
- Include username in emails related to user account deactivation.
- Include security information in quay request emails.
- Email sent to company administrators when a company account is self-reactivated after being deactivated.
- Improve performance of query that retrieves port call history for security information.
Version 8.5.0 (16.01.2020)
- Voyage registration
- Details: Air Draught is now required when registering voyages with compulsory pilotage. This rule does not apply to PEC pilotages.
- Details: If previously reported, Bunkers checkbox is only enabled for the company that originally registered the voyage.
- Details: Voyages on military vessels can now be exempt from public disclosure.
- Pilotage: Quay Info is now required for pilotages From/To a Harbour.
- The following reporting options are now available for voyages to Svalbard and Jan Mayen:
- Actual time of departure and arrival (ATD/ATA)
- Waste
- Security
- NOx
- Port Authority
- Ports Menu: Added filter to only show active quays. The checkbox is selected by default, hiding inactive quays.
- PEC Admin
- Fairway map: Adjusted coloring of fairway map segments. If a fairway segment is both granted and part of a (new) exam, the segment will be colored blue instead of yellow.
Bug fixes
- User registration failed due to attempt to create a duplicate company.
- Validation errors for crew and passenger data was not shown in the overview table after uploading excel template.
- The deviation count on port facility supervisions was always displayed as 0.
Version 8.4.0 (12.12.2019)
- Voyage registration: When clicking on a step icon (e.g. Pilotage), a spinning icon is shown to indicate loading of the step.
- Voyage registration: Information about Environmental Ship Index (ESI) score and Onshore Power Supply (OPS) capability is now part of the ship details shown throughout the wizard.
- User accounts that have not logged in to SafeSeaNet Norway in more than 12 months are now automatically deactivated.
A warning email is sent three weeks prior to deactivation. Another email is sent after deactivation.
- Added disclaimer pop-up when exporting data to Excel.
- When changing your email address, the old address is now still in effect until confirmed. Confirmation is done by clicking the link in an email sent to the new address.
- Customs Authority: Passenger lists are now hidden two days after voyage ETA.
- Port Authority/ISPS: It is now possible to create and report port facility 'Declaration of Compliance' through SafeSeaNet Norway.
Bug fixes
- Added various missing validation error highlights in voyage registration wizard
Version 8.3.0 (14.11.2019)
- Further performance improvements to map components.
- Significantly reduced page load times in 'Favourite Ships', especially for users with many ships.
- ISPS: Items in the ISPS-menu have been put in new sub-groups.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where ship search result grid failed to set ship as selected when searching for ships with identical names.
- Fixed issue with simultaneously removing and adding military itineraries when updating a voyage.
Version 8.2.2 (07.11.2019)
- Barents SRS reporting and the map in the ship reporting menu are both using a new API for fetching the ship's latest AIS-position.
Bug fixes
- Voyages with non-public pilotages are now visible to the company that created the voyage.
Version 8.2.1 (24.10.2019)
- Voyage Registration
- Voyage/Quay/Pilotage Step: If displayed, the map component will stay visible until hidden by user.
- Norwegian Coastal Administration
- When a new 'Statement of Compliance' is registered for a Port Facility with status 'Security Plan Withdrawn' with the reason 'SoC Expired', the status will automatically be updated to 'Approved'.
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting, Voyages search: Fixed bug where Departure and Arrival location search filters were reversed.
Version 8.2.0 (17.10.2019)
- Barents SRS reporting: The ship's latest position is now fetched on demand directly from the AIS stream.
- Map component: Positions and markers are loaded asynchrously in effort to reduce page load times.
- Voyages: Limits on maximum ETD and ETA time spans (difference between To and From) have been added when searching for voyages.
If both ETD To/From and ETA To/From are provided, the limit applies to the narrowest time span. The limit varies by "Registered By" selection:
- Anyone: Max 1 month
- My Company: Max 1 year
- Me: Max 2 years
Bug fixes
- Voyage Registration: It is no longer possible to add expired cadet certificates in the PEC step.
- Voyage Registration: Duplicate validation errors in crew/pax step.
- Voyages: For some Internet Explorer and FireFox users the web page froze after using the 'Change Time' dialog. This should now be fixed.
- General: Active pilotage exemption certificate exams must now be cancelled before the associated voyage and/or pilotage can be cancelled.
Version 8.1.3 (30.09.2019)
- Voyage Registration
- Voyage/Pilotage step: Map will now be loaded when the user clicks the map icon, decreasing loading times of respective steps.
Version 8.1.2 (27.09.2019)
Bug fix:
- Barents SRS
- Fixed bug where date was validated when input field was in a disabled state.
Version 8.1.1 (26.09.2019)
- Voyage Registration
- Added missing validation indicators on waste and bunkers step.
- Fixed Military step control layout in Internet Explorer browser.
- Pilotage map now shows both port and quay locations on initial load.
- Phone number validation is stricter. This includes validation of phone numbers imported from Excel template.
- Various minor user interface tweaks.
Version 8.1.0 (19.09.2019)
- Voyage registration
- Simplified customs reporting is now only allowed on inbound voyages.
- Details and Confirmation step shows whether the ship has a relevant hazmat reporting exemption.
- Now possible to select pilotage locations using a map.
- Table rows with validation errors are highlighted.
- Port Authority
- Now possible to edit administered port facilities and port security areas that have status 'Security plan withdrawn'.
- Added list of supervisions to port facility page.
- Links to ePhorte are generated automatically based on the ePhorte case number.
Applies to: port facilities, Port 2005/65, RSO, and B 4.15.
- Port facility monitoring is now read-only: no longer possible to create or update monitorings.
- A scheduled task now updates the status of port facilities when all statements of compliance are expired. The task also sends email notifications to ISPS workers and the PFSO.
- Added page for creating and updating non-ISPS quays.
- Responsive web pages (displays better on mobile devices and smaller screens).
- Fixed bugs in tri-annual reports.
- The country name 'UNITED KINGDOM' has been changed to 'UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND'. Spreadsheet templates are backwards compatible.
- Various user interface tweaks and bug fixes.
Version 8.0.0 (20.06.2019)
- Responsive web client for mobile devices
- SafeSeaNet can now be viewed in a better manner in both portrait and landscape display formats
- Feedback can be sent to: support.ssnn@kystverket.no
- Reporting of Sailing Plan for entering and leaving internal waters has been rewritten.
- Map component now includes map layers from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, in addition to the standard Google Maps.
- Added rules for Cargo on Board in the Details step in Voyage registration.
- Gross and Gross Gross Weight can not be greater than 1.5 * Ship DWT
- Gross and Gross Gross Weight can not be greater than 750000 when Ship DWT is unknown
- Gross and Gross Gross Weight can not be equal to Ship Gross Tonnage
Version 7.0.3 (14.03.2019)
Bug fix:
- Waste: No longer possible to report duplicate waste items
Version 7.0.2 (06.12.2018)
- Barents SRS
- Added Departure Port to reporting.
- Bug-fixes
Version 7.0.1 (25.10.2018)
- Pilotages
- "Update"-button will open the entry in the Voyage-wizard. The Pilotages-wizard has been removed.
- Voyage Details: Gross Weight renamed to Cargo Gross Weight
- Port Authority: Show quay-request detail in view voyage
- Port Authority: Filter out quays that have not opened for quay-requests
- Waste: Fishing vessels are exempted (no red flag)
Version 7.0.0 (27.09.2018)
(see Kystverket.no (NOR) also)
- Voyage wizard
- Clickable voyage wizard tabs
- Click on the tabs to move between steps. Next and Previous buttons can still be used.
- The tabs are colored:
- White: The step has not been visited yet
- Green: Deliveries OK
- Red: Validation error. Hover the mouse over the tab to see a summary of the errors.
- Voyage Details: All deliveries are declared here. Mandatory deliveries are shown in red text.
- Waste: Waste items must be delivered even if "None" is selected
- Confirm: Clicking on Confirm will validate the whole voyage
- Menu has been moved to upper left corner
- Reminder emails now also contains mandatory reporting for the voyage that is missing
Version 6.3.3 (25.01.2018)
- Port Authority
- The quay information form has a new field for supplying announcements and other relevant information for agents and ships.
The information is displayed when the quay is selected in the voyage registration wizard.
- Ship Reporting
- All ships are required to have at least one valid contact medium
- Security: A valid Ship Security Plan (SSP) is now required
- Security: ISSC Expiry Date must be greater than the voyage's ETA
Version 6.3.2 (30.11.2017)
- Port Authority
- Quay Requests: Uses same search as yellow banner
- Quay Requests: "Only show requests my company can process" as default
- Quay Requests: Added default statuses in search
- Changed quay request email template.
- Ship Reporting
- Quay: Quays are sorted alphabetically
- Customs
Version 6.3.1 (26.10.2017)
Bug fixes
- Ship Reporting
- Spreadsheet: More robust parsing of legacy excel sheets.
- Spreadsheet: Clearer error message when unsupported excel sheets are uploaded.
- Quay request emails now contain agent remark.
- Port Authority
- Fixed sorting issue in Port Facility search result grid
- Database related: Efforts have been made to reduce the number of process deadlocks. An increase in site performance is expected.
- Various smaller changes and fixes
Version 6.3.0 (28.09.2017)
- Ship Reporting
- Voyage registration: Voyage arrival and departure locations may now be shown and selected in a map.
- Voyage registration: The Port step is renamed to Quay.
- Quay requests. A new menu entry added for managing historic and ongoing quay requests.
- Port Authority
- Ports Menu. Port locations are now shown in a tree-view menu. The forms for viewing and editing port facilities have been significantly changed. Quays and port security areas are new location types in SSN.
- Single Permission. A new menu entry for Single Permission (ISPS B4.15) exemptions from the ISPS code.
- Change Requests. A new menu entry for port facility change requests.
- Quay Requests. A new menu entry for managing incoming quay requests.
- A new module has been added to SafeSeaNet for the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) department at the Norwegian Coastal Administration.
- Various smaller changes and fixes
Version 6.2.3 (29.06.2017)
- When viewing a voyage, Ship's Stores information is now only visible to the company that registered the information.
- Minor typos and user interface fixes.
Bug fixes
- Security step: Validate when the current voyage is being attempted added to last 10 port call history.
- Security step: Validate if a similar port call exists when adding a new port call
- DPG step: Hazmat classification and weight unit is retained when adding entries
- Other search arguments are ignored if reference number is specified in the Customs Authority's search
Version 6.2.2 (12.01.2017)
- Added validation of INMARSAT number.
Security improvements
- Added X-Frame-Options Response Headers.
Version 6.2.1 (24.11.2016)
- Voyage listing now shows delivery icon for Port Requests.
- Voyage listing now shows one common icon for both regular and PEC pilotages.
- Military reporting now sets default map positions for new itineraries, based on the arrival or departure location for the voyage.
Performance improvements
- Voyage search and paging is faster.
Version 6.2.0 (17.11.2016)
- Added support for new SafeSeaNet Excel template.
- Release brochure: link
- User guide: link
- Excel template: link
- Ship Reporting
- "New Voyage" menu item removed. "Voyages" is now the default landing page for agents.
- Update link added to voyage view page (update link shown when relevant).
- My Account
- "My Ships" renamed to "My Favourite Ships".
- My Profile: Added checkbox to allow agents to apply for Pilotage Exemption Certificate.
- PEC Admin: Ability for navigators to share their Pilotage Excemption Certificate information with other agents or navigators.
- Tax Authority: Ability to Export voyages to Excel.
- Removed help from top menu. Help documents are still found under Documents.
Bug fixes
- Security: Avoid validation errors for duplicate port calls that can't be edited.
Version 6.1.8 (15.09.2016)
- Stricter validation of which symbols and characters are allowed in crew and passenger names.
- Master's name specified in Mil step is validated the same way as names specified in Crew step.
Bug fixes
- Security: Now possible to change phone number for existing CSOs.
- Crew/Pax: Notifications are no longer sent to Border Control if crew and passenger lists are not supplied.
Version 6.1.7 (11.08.2016)
- The Class 2 and Class 3 map filters in My PEC now work independently
- Visa number added to crew and passenger form
Bug fixes
- When applying for PEC Class 2, it is now possible to select map segments that are already granted as Class 3
- Crew list now retains sort order when paging
- Fixed edge case where voyage security port calls outside of GUI scope cause validation errors
Version 6.1.6 (02.06.2016)
- PEC: The master's Pilotage Exemption Certificate must be identified for each pilotage distance.
- Excel: Added functionality for voyage updates (Pilot users only).
- Voyages: Default search is now limited to fourteen days in the future.
- Port authorities: ESI score information extended with individual NOx, SOx, and CO2 scores.
Bug fixes
- Ship to Ship activities no longer shows validation error for old activities.
Version 6.1.5 (07.04.2016)
- Crew, passenger, and security information is now required on domestic voyages for ships that have a valid ISSC.
(link: Norwegian)
- Ships with valid ISSC is considered in international traffic at all times.
- Crew, passenger, and security information will be delivered to arrival-port.
- Passenger list is now required when reporting Customs Information on inbound voyages.
- When a ship has no Ship's Stores to report, this must now be explicitly stated by the user.
- NOx step will now show for all non NOR/NIS ships on inbound voyages.
- Passport numbers are now validated using stricter rules:
- Passport numbers with non-alphanumeric characters will be rejected with an error
- All passport numbers must be at least 6 characters long.
- Port users can now see the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) score for a ship.
- Tax Authority users has been granted a new role and access to a new menu.
- Review of NOx reporting, previously done by Customs Authority, is now done by Tax Authority.
Version 6.1.4 (11.02.2016)
- Excel upload for pilot users.
Version 6.1.3 (19.01.2016)
- Validation has been eased in the Security step. Port Calls more than one year into the past can now be added to Last 10 Ports.
- Fixed a bug in Security where Port Calls would show wrong Departure Date.
- Added validation for ISSC Expiry Date in Security step.
Version 6.1.2 (04.01.2016)
- New columns in Voyage Detail for Gross Gross Weight and Gross Weight
- Bug fixing related to securing passenger confidenciality information
- Added Norwegian Tax Administration logo (NOx will be handled by Tax Administration)
Version 6.1.1 (03.12.2015)
- Support for new Annual Fees
- Passenger or crew count must be greater than 0 in order to report passenger and crew lists to Border Control
Version (22.10.2015)
- The Ship Call History functionality in the Security step has been improved:
- A new column at the leftmost edge of the ship call history shows the type of ship call entry. Possible values at this time are: SSN (the ship call originates from SSN Norway and has been added automatically), and Manual (the ship call was added manually).
- In the Actions column the following actions are now available depending on the type of ship call:
- Add Info: Add supplemental information (such as port facility, security level or security measures) to an existing ship call from SSN.
- Edit: Edit a ship call. For manually added ship calls, all fields can be edited. For ship calls that originates from SSN, only some fields will be available for editing.
- Clear: Clear supplemental information previously added to a ship call which originated from SSN.
- Delete: Delete a manually added ship call from the list.
Bug fixes
- Several bugs related to Ship Call History in the security step have been fixed:
- Editing ship calls which originated from SafeSeaNet could result in empty port facility field
- Editing ship calls which originated from SafeSeaNet could result in erronous Port of Call
- Some ship calls were saved with erronous Security Level.
- Some ship calls were saved with erronous Port Facility.
- Some ship calls were saved with erronous Arrival Date and Departure Date.
- When uploading crew/pax Excel sheets, digit-only passport numbers could be formatted as exponential numbers (e.g. 1.2345+E06)
Version (01.10.2015)
- Hazmat:
- Now supports all five Hazmat classifications: IMDG, IMSBC, IGC, IBC, MARPOL ANNEX I
- Hazmat classification must be specified for all hazmat entries
(Link to screenshot)
- Dispensation from Compulsory Pilotage can now be applied for
(More information)
- Removed Norwegian term (fast ordre) for Confirmed in Pilotage
- Waste reporting removed for outbound or transit voyages
- Voyage Expiration Reminder default selection is now based on setting in My Profile
- Normalized use of units of measurement (ton, kg, pcs etc.)
- Port Authority, Issues:
- New issue type: Waste Discrepancies
- New action, Issue Correspondence: Allows the user to view all issue correspodence or supply further information regarding the reported issue.
- Now only shows issues reported by the logged in person's company
- Altered display of issues table and improved search criteria
- Default sorted by reported date
- Maritime Authority:
- Issues: Altered display of issues table and improved search criteria
- Issues: Added functionality for issue correspondence
- Searching can now be done based on regions and supervision offices
- SSN Customs:
- Added support for creating specific customs users
Version (13.08.2015)
- All users have access to report to customs. Applying for authorization to report is no longer required.
- Added filter to ship call history. Voyages to anchorage is now removed from the list.
Bug fixes
- Crew effects list upload: deleted files was not removed in certain cases.
- Captain was deleted from crewlist in rare cases.
- The crewlist was locked if mil was delivered before border control.
Version (11.06.2015)
New features
- Bunkers has been removed from hazmat and is a new step
- User registration has a new design.
- All help references changed to SafeSeaNet Support instead of Brevik VTS.
Performance improvements
- Crew/pax save is faster
Version (01.06.2015)
New features
- All ISPS/Security information has to be delivered electronically (no file upload)
- Waste-information has to be delivered on all voyages
- The sign in page has been updated with a new responsive design
- Other graphic design updates: colors and graphics have been updated throughout the client for improved readability and clarity
- Customs cargo step has changed. Cargo Total has changed to Cargo On Board and is default set for delivery.
- Customs module: Added hazmat-view
- Crew/Pax user interface improvements:
- If there are errors in the uploaded crew/pax lists, the grid will only list the faulty crew/pax entries, including the corresponding Excel sheet row.
- Sorting is now possible on all grid columns
- Grid paging for large crew lists (more than 15 crew)
- A "Processing uploaded file" dialog is shown after the crew/pax list is uploaded but not yet processed
Version (21.05.2015)
New features
- My Company has its own menu item (moved from My Account)
- Companies can have one or more administrators
- Only administrators can approve new users and change the company invoice address.
- Ships that are entitled to simplified customs registration can now do this in SafeSeaNet (only inbound voyages)
- Port module: The position of the port is shown on a map
- Customs has got a module in SafeSeaNet
- Domestic ships must now deliver ISPS
Bug fixes
- Remove non-XML-compliant symbols from uploaded Crew/Pax data
- Voyage Details crew/pax count pre-filled with 0
- Address country in voyage view always listed as unknown
Performance improvements
- Enabled caching of e-mail templates
- Voyage wizard and User Accounts pages loads faster
Version (24.03.2015)
New features
- Port authorities may now administer individual port facilities
(More information (NOR))
(User guide)
- Voyage step split in two: "Voyage"-step renamed to "Voyage Details", "Previous Voyage"-step renamed to "Voyage"
- New setting in My Profile for existing users needing access to the Port Authority menu
- Deliveries on previous voyages are shown in the Voyage step
- Possible to change time on previos voyages
- Mil step takes up less space on screen
- Port facility must be selected (if any) before port request form is shown
- Police and Customs sections always shown in voyage confirmation (incl. emails); Police and customs checkboxes removed from "Additional Information" section
Bug fixes
- Company and contact person name no longer required for random inspections
- Granted fairways being shown as in active exam
- Redirecting to personal user account prompt not working when signing in
Performance improvements
- Added caching of user roles
Version (12.02.2015)
New features
- PEC Admin: Expired pilotage exemption certificates can no longer be reactivated, but must be re-applied for instead.
Previously granted fairways will be highlighted in red.
- Ship Reporting: Agents can now utilize ISPS reporting exemptions entered into SSN Norway by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.
- Port Authority: Port authorities can now see details for all voyages.
Bug fixes
- Fixed unhandled transaction problem.
Performance improvements
- Some database operations now performs faster.
Version (11.12.2014)
New features
- Support for new pilot exemption certificate regulations (More information)
- All certificates are now classified as Cadet, Class 3, Class 2 or Class 1 -- or a combination thereof.
- All ordinary certificates have been transformed to Class 2 certificates
- Starting at 1st of January 2015, Class 1 can be applied for from the My Applications page.
- Starting at 1st of January 2015, Class 3 can be applied for through the new assessor arrangement.
- No changes to the Cadet PEC arrangement
- Improved PEC map functionality
- Port authorities can now search for all voyages, not just voyages arriving or leaving their ports
- Better search for companies in the user wizard
Bug fixes
- NOx displayed wrong in some emails
- Bunkers checkbox was always set on update
Performance improvements
- Faster page loads overall
- Improved responsiveness in PEC-related maps
- Improved performance when uploading large crew and/or passenger lists
Version (16.10.2014)
- Improved file uploads!
- Support for drag and drop
- Shows upload progress
- Improved stability on slow and unstable connections
- Better error handing inside the control
- Client side validation of file size
- Supports multiple uploads in parallell
- New port request form for agents (More information)
- Use SafeSeaNet to notify port authorities about voyages
- Book port facilities
- Specify invoice information
- Specify contact details
- Note: This functionality will become gradually available as port authorities make their ports available in SafeSeaNet
- Port Authority may now access SafeSeaNet
- Associate with municipalities and ports
- Manage port and port facility information
- View list of voyages
- Search and filter list of voyages
- Report issues to maritime authorities
- Maritime Authorities (Sjøfartsdirektoratet) may now access SafeSeaNet
- View list of voyages
- Search and filter list of voyages
- View and manage ISPS voyages
- View and manage issues reported by port authorities
- Updated user registration wizard
Version (07.08.2014)
- PEC application: removed maximum number of ships per PEC (5 ships)
- Changes to confirmation e-mail styles
- Fix: Cancelled voyages don't send voyage reminders
- Annual Fee: Added sorting, shows only latest fees, filters credit notes
- Previous Notifications: Added action icons
- Port: Checkboxes will be automatically checked when a voyage is updated and the ETD is less than 24 hours if they are mandatory (e.g Need Pilotage, Deliver Police Notification)
- PEC application: Changed the look of the renew screen
- PEC application: Fix for duplicate application submission
- Voyages fix: Search results are kept when a voyage is cancelled
- Mil: Bug fixes
Version (15.05.2014)
- Textual action links have been replaced with action icons in voyage search result list, pilotages search result list, reporting exemption list, and previous notifications list.
- Symbolic icons for included deliveries in voyage are now displayed in the voyage search result list
- New and consolidated design for emails, including voyage confirmation, new user registration, reporting exemptions, and ship position reporting.
- Added confirmation e-mail field for ship.
- "Port" step has been renamed to "Voyage".
- Changes in Pilotages search result list:
- Removed "Created Time" column from grid
- Removed "With Invoice" checkbox and "Invoice" column from grid.
- Search criteria: Removed "Pilotage Order Type"
- Added "Confirm" column in grid for locked pilotages.
- Statuses Cancelled and Executed are unchecked by default
- Changes in PEC Admin
- Fairways about to expire can now be re-applied for in PEC Admin. Fairways about to expire will be highlighted with a RED color in the map.
- Pilotage Exemption Certificates past two months of expiration date can now be reactivated in PEC Admin.
- Fix: Customs Journal No. was not generated in some cases.
Version (06.02.2014)
- Updating a voyage’s departure location is no longer possible
- Updating a voyage’s arrival location is not possible if ATA has been reported
- Previous voyage: Now shows all future and current voyages, or the last voyage if no future or current voyages exist
- Previous voyage: Update and cancel links are disabled if ETA is more than 24 hours in the past
- Due for expanded inspection is disabled for NOR/NIS vessels
- Reporting exemptions for scheduled services can now be created
- SafeSeaNet logo is clickable
- Information-, warning- and error messages have new styling
- Fix: Crew and passenger excel template links are no longer broken
- Fix: Map: Country flag images are loaded correctly
- Fix: Map: Voyage wizard link is no longer broken
- Fix: Change Time: Relaxed pilotage From Time validation against ETD/ETA by adding 3 hour margin and disabling validation against ETD if ATD has been confirmed.
Version (05.12.2013)
- e-PEC (More information about PEC at www.kystverket.no
- Navigators can connect their username to their PEC
- Registration of Pec Exam shall be done in SSN Norway
- The use of Cadet PEC can be reported in the PEC step. Change: Mentor must be reported first
- SafeSeaNet Norway has got a new design
- Customs Notification is extended with support for excise duty on emissions of NOx for foreign ships on inbound voyages
- Fix: Crew Effects has been separated from crew delivery
- Fix: Crew Effects is hidden on outbound voyages
- Change: Voyages is default sorted by ETA (earlier: created date)
Version (21.10.2013)
- Users can register a personal user account (A registration guide can be found
- Added a new page called "My Company"
- Information about a user's company has been moved from "My Profile" to "My Company"
- Users can activate, deactivate and remove user accounts in "My Company"
- Added "Forgot password?" functionality
- "Notifications" has been changed to "Voyages"
- Users can choose to receive a copy of the ship reporting confirmation by e-mail (supports several comma separated e-mail addresses)
- Barents SRS has a new field: Un Number
Version (13.06.2013)
- Deliver Police Notification can be done on outbound voyages
- Added URL's to regulations in crew and passenger steps
- Barents SRS: Cargo Contact Person is optional if Cargo On Board is empty
- Fixed Voyage Reminder support to Pilotage updates
Version (29.05.2013)
Changes and fixes
- New menu item: Barents SRS (Ship Reporting System). More information (in Norwegian only) at www.kystverket.no.
- New menu item: Documents. Direct download links for documents and templates used in SafeSeaNet
- Crew and passenger: Three-character country codes are converted when uploading template, e.g. "NOR" is translated to "NORWAY"
- Crew and passenger: Revised input validation and filtering of uploaded template.
Property |
Will be filtered/validated |
Family Name, Given Names |
comma (,) and semi-colon (;) |
Passport No. |
space ( ), 'PP.', 'PP:', '??', 'P.', 'P:', 'P :', '(PASSPORT)', 'PASSPORT NO', 'PASSPORT NUMBER', 'PASSPORT', 'PASS' |
Seaman's Book No. |
space ( ), 'SB:', 'SB.', 'SB ' |
- Crew and passenger: When reporting crew and passenger information, please use the latest excel template. Click here to download template.
Version (24.04.2013)
- Deliver Police Notification: Electronic delivery of notification to the police is open for everybody
- Voyage reminder: Default on only if port of call is Norwegian
- Report Position: Positions can not be reported more than 12 hours in the past
Version (20.03.2013)
- Order Pilot and Use Pilot Exemption Certificate (in the port dialog) has been split into two checkboxes
Version (07.02.2013)
Changes and fixes
- Disabled input validation on Passport No and Seamans Book in Crew/Pax due to unicode compatability problems
Version (05.02.2013)
Changes and fixes
- Consolidated label texts in MIL reporting and Crew/Pax
- Added input validation to Passport No and Seamans Book in Crew/Pax (Only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and the special characters: .-/',()?:+ (No spaces allowed))
- Removed validation on number of crew and passengers when pressing the previous button
- Added length validation to Customs screen (Cargo Handling Agent)
- ETD from arrival port no longer disabled in Change Time dialog
- Fixed validation bug in Change Time dialog
Version (12.12.2012)
Bug fixes
- Fixed annual fee bug
- Fixed pilotage validation bug in Change Time dialog
Version (06.12.2012)
New features
- Added this "What's new" page.
- Pilotage From Time can now be edited in the "Change Time" dialog available in the "Voyages" and "Pilotages" pages.
This will allow users to seamlessly and securely edit both port information and pilotage information in a quick and simple manner.
Please see this document for further details.
- Email reminders for voyage expiration can now be configured in the final wizard step.